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StepStone Launches new AI Recruiting Tool

In today’s competitive job market, small businesses in Germany face a growing challenge: finding and hiring qualified candidates quickly. A recent study by The Stepstone Group, a global recruitment platform, has shed light on the struggles faced by small companies. According to the study, 80% of small businesses in Germany are finding it difficult to locate the right candidates, with more than half of them dealing with time constraints when it comes to filling job vacancies.

Small businesses, in contrast to their larger counterparts, often lack a dedicated HR department. This leaves business owners shouldering the responsibility of recruiting in addition to their other roles. Dr. Tobias Zimmermann, a labor market expert at The Stepstone Group, notes that, “For small and medium-sized companies, artificial intelligence has enormous potential to make recruiting much easier.”

AI: A Beacon of Hope for Small Businesses

The study conducted by The Stepstone Group reveals that the expectations for AI in the German job market are soaring. Two-thirds of HR managers in Germany anticipate that artificial intelligence can simplify and expedite the recruitment process. Specifically, 62% believe AI can help in automatically matching candidates with job vacancies, while 54% view AI as a valuable tool for evaluating candidates based on predefined criteria. Moreover, 59% of hiring managers would appreciate AI’s assistance in scheduling interviews efficiently.

“Smaller companies have the opportunity to use AI to enhance the efficiency of their recruitment processes,” Zimmermann suggests. “AI can take care of important tasks and offer guidance, such as formulating job advertisements to attract the right candidates, identifying crucial skills for the job, and suggesting pertinent interview questions.”

Stepstone’s AI Tool for Streamlined Recruitment

To meet the growing demand for AI-powered recruitment assistance, Stepstone has introduced a groundbreaking solution: Stepstone Recruit. This AI-based tool is designed to support every aspect of the recruitment process. It assists with candidate sourcing, interview organization, and provides objective assessment criteria for more effective candidate selection.

One of the standout features of Stepstone Recruit is the Co-Pilot, which suggests interview questions based on job advertisements, streamlining the process even further. This tool is a game-changer for companies that lack a fully staffed HR department, making professional recruitment accessible for the majority of businesses and leveling the playing field in the labor market.

About Stepstone Recruit

Stepstone Recruit is an AI-driven solution that empowers recruiters in their hiring processes, from crafting compelling job ads to managing applications and coordinating interviews.

About the “Pulse Check Labour Market 2023” Study

To understand the current job market landscape, The Stepstone Group conducted the “Pulse Check Labour Market 2023” study, surveying approximately 10,000 people in July 2023. This extensive study included the perspectives of 1,700 managers and 1,100 HR managers, providing insights representative of the working population. To assess the situation for small firms, the results of respondents from companies with fewer than 15 employees were also taken into account.

Oliver Feakins

Oliver Feakins

About Author

Oliver Feakins is a 15 veteran of the HR Tech space with a special passion for recruitment marketing. Oliver is the CEO of TrackFive, a technology company that creates and operates career platforms in multiple markets

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