TikTok Shaping Career Choices for 1 in 3 Gen Zers, ResumeBuilder.com Survey Finds

Career Advice Goes Viral On TikTok
ResumeBuilder.com, the go-to destination for professional resume templates and career guidance, recently conducted a comprehensive survey to delve into the influence of TikTok on the career choices of Gen Zers and millennials. The survey, which gathered insights from 1,000 full-time workers aged 21 to 40, sheds light on how advice from TikTok creators impacts their professional decisions.
In today’s digital age, TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform where creators from diverse backgrounds share career insights and spark trends like ‘lazy girl jobs’ and ‘quiet quitting.’ This phenomenon prompted ResumeBuilder.com to explore the significance of TikTok as a source of career advice and its effect on the decision-making process.
The survey findings reveal that TikTok has gained popularity among different age groups. Notably, 77 percent of Gen Zers are active TikTok users, while 59 percent of younger millennials and 54 percent of older millennials also engage with the platform. Among those who use TikTok, 27 percent report receiving career advice frequently, 38 percent occasionally, and 22 percent infrequently. Surprisingly, despite their trust in TikTok career advice, 78 percent admit to encountering misleading information occasionally or frequently.
Julia Toothacre, a distinguished Resume and Career Strategist, advises users to scrutinize the backgrounds of content creators: “There can be valuable advice on TikTok, but it’s crucial to research the individuals providing the guidance. Some creators excel at marketing or repackaging insights from experienced professionals, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they possess the necessary qualifications or expertise to offer sound advice.”
The survey also highlights that 62 percent of TikTok users have come across creators offering career coaching services. Among them, 30 percent (equivalent to 11 percent of the overall sample) have paid for these services, indicating a willingness to invest in their professional development.
Among respondents who receive career advice on TikTok, 36 percent report making career-related decisions based on the information they acquire from the platform. Notably, Gen Zers are more likely than millennials to make decisions influenced by TikTok advice. Impressively, 88 percent of those who acted on this advice experienced positive outcomes, while only 10 percent found the impact neutral, and a mere two percent reported negative consequences.
This survey was commissioned by ResumeBuilder.com and conducted on SurveyMonkey Audience in October 2023. It involved 1,000 respondents, all of whom are currently employed full-time and fall within the 21 to 40 age range.
To access the full survey report, please visit: https://www.resumebuilder.com/one-third-of-gen-zers-have-made-career-related-decisions-from-tiktok-advice/
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